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How to Get Your Logo Design Right The First Time

Your logo design is your first impression. For most brands, it’s the sole impression a potential client will see before entering your website or brick and mortar business. If your logo doesn’t convey the correct message to your potential client(s). They will walk away to find something better.

Photo by Content Pixie from Pexels

With that in mind, choosing your logo should feel like a welcome extension of your brand. It’s just one piece of the puzzle that you have to figure out. Use the tips below to help you create a logo that will bring your brand to completion. 

Know Your Brand

Before you even begin creating a logo, you need to have a clear idea of what your brand is, what it does, and who it helps. If you don’t know those three things, you won’t be able to create a logo that speaks to your future clientele. Because of that, creating a logo should be one of the last steps you take in brand creation. A pretty logo won’t get you clients if your business plan is not in tact.

Practice explaining your business to friends and family. Write it down, take notes, and adjust to the questions they ask. Once you’re able to give one fluid explanation of your business and have it understood by everyone in the room, you’re ready for the next step: Color Psychology.

Photo by Content Pixie from Pexels

Plan Out Your Color Pallette

Color psychology is the study of how certain colors will affect human behavior. When choosing colors for your logo, you have to focus on what that color will convey to your future clients. Black and white can be clean, simple, and elegant but that might read “boring and bland” to others. Knowing if your clientele is bold, vibrant, simple, or calm will greatly narrow down your choices to colors that actually work.

If you have colors in mind, learn the meaning behind them. It’s much easier to change colors before your brand launch than after. These colors will represent your brand for years to come so when people scroll past your website or walk past your office, what would you like them to think? Choose colors that grab people’s attention and speak to your brand personality at the same time. 

Choose A Font That Gets You Noticed

Font can be tricky because it’s purely a personal preference. Most font choices will speak to who chose them so choose your font as if you were your business. When looking up at your sign from the street, what would scream out, “This is my brand personality!”? Mismatched logos with the wrong font won’t speak to anybody.

If your brand is fun and playful, choose a font that has some whimsy to it. Work with kids? Handwritten fonts work great for catching their eyes. You can always create a font specifically for your brand, if you have the talent or the money to pay for it. If looking to use a font package, try a website like Creative Market is great for browsing for ideas.

Photo by Content Pixie from Pexels

Create A Design That Represents Your Brand

If you aren’t the artsy type and don’t love the idea of choosing a piece of vector art for your logo design, a graphic designer is your best option. Be sure to convey your image to the designer in person and in words. Get a rough sketch you can approve and don’t be afraid to speak up for any changes you see fit. Graphic designers are the artists but this is your design. Be sure it speaks to your brand and clientele.